Exercise Adherence Techniques.

Getting started and continuing an exercise program can be a challenging yet, rewarding undertaking. Fifty percent of those who begin an exercise program will drop out with-in six months. You can implement various techniques to improve your adherence to these new lifestyle changes.

Determine where you are going to exercise. Some people find it more convenient to exercise at home. Others may find they have fewer distractions at an exercise facility. If you choose to exercise at a gym, pick one that is nearby, since you may be less likely to exercise at a club that is further away.

You are more likely to stick with your program if it is fun and convenient. Start by identifying activities that you enjoy. Then, determine the most convenient time to exercise with the least distractions.

Your first few workouts should be brief and well within your abilities. Gradually increase the duration and intensity of your exercise. Do not start out with a program your coach had you perform in high school or college. Individualise your program and begin back gradually. When working out with a partner, try to choose someone with a similar fitness level. As a beginner, you may work too hard if you exercise with an experienced partner. Studies have demonstrated you are less likely to continue your program if you exercise at higher intensities too soon. Likewise, long workouts are also associated with higher drop out rates.

Set realistic goals that contribute to long term lifestyle changes. Set both behavioral and outcome goals. A behavior goal could be exercising on weekdays at 7 P.M. for 30 minutes. Examples of outcome goals include losing 10 pounds in 2 months or jumping 1 inch higher by next game season. Understand the objectives behind your outcome goals so you can set appropriate behavioral goals. Focus on achieving your behavior goals since you will have much more control in achieving this type of goal. Do not get discouraged if your short term outcome goals are not achieved by your initial deadline. Change your behavioral goals in accordance to the achievement of your outcome goals. Re-evaluate your plan if you discover a more effective means to attain your objectives or are not certain you can consistently achieve your behavioral goals.

Commit to your goals. Initially, you may be very motivated to stick to your program. It is not unusual for your motivation to dip occasionally. To get yourself through these times, try these techniques:

Establish a routine so physical activity becomes a habit. Plan on a definite time to exercise. Write these times in your planner as you would an appointment. Set recurring alarms on your watch or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) just before your scheduled time to exercise. Set out your workout clothes or pack your workout bag the night before.

If you feel like not working out, agree with yourself to have a very short, light workout. Quite often, after getting ready and warming up, you will find enough motivation to push through a full workout. If you miss your scheduled workout, realize not all is lost. Forgive yourself and reevaluate your behavioral plan. Adjust your strategies to prevent future drop outs and recommit to your program. Develop a back up plan in case of unforeseen circumstances. Agree not to use your back up plan unless absolutely necessary. If you have not successfully stuck to your program in the past, analyze past obstacles and implement new strategies to overcome these barriers.

Perform a variety of exercises and activities. Engage in utilitarian activities such as walking to the store, walking the dog, or catching up on yard work. Try new activities you think you may enjoy. Consider less traditional forms of exercise like kayaking, urban hiking, or participating in sports leagues or pickup games. Check to see if your company offers wellness incentive programs, fitness facilities, or corporate sports competitions. Perhaps, plan and train for an adventure vacation or sports event. Learn about these new activities by reading an instructional book, joining a training group, or hiring a personal trainer.

Plan your workouts by selecting exercises for the next month or week. Implement a variety of activities. Consider scheduling a different activity on specific days of the week adjusting in accordance of your changing interests. If you workout with weights, change your exercise program every month to alleviate boredom and to restimulate progress. When walking, jogging, or cycling, vary exercise routes or trails. Use diversions such as listening to music, watching television, or reading during exercises that you would otherwise find a bit boring.

Utilize social support. Find an exercise partner, hire a personal trainer, or exercise in a group setting. A training partner or exercise instructor can provide feedback, assistance, and motivation. Participate in physical activities with your spouse, family, or friends. Be creative. Every week, take turns having family members choose their favorite family activity.

Share your goals with those close to you or others that are likely to ask you about your progress. Ask them for their support. Having explained that you have set aside a particular time to exercise can potentially minimize future conflicts or misunderstandings. Those close to you will have the opportunity to understand the importance of your goals and the time you have set aside for them.

Write your goals on paper and post them where they are in view for you to see every day (e.g. refrigerator, mirror, date book, etc.). Some people may even find it helpful to sign a personal fitness contract with their personal trainer or friend.

Monitor your progress. Record your activity and progress in an exercise diary or log. You can even record your diet in a journal or a food exchange check list. Consider purchasing an electronic monitoring gadget like a pedometer, heart rate monitor, or stop watch to track your progress.

Find an exercise professional who can monitor your progress. Regular fitness tests can objectively measure the effectiveness of your program and can possibly save you months or even years of hard work. If progress is not significant, immediate changes can be made to your program. A fitness professional can help you decide the tests most compatible with your fitness goals and how often you should test.

Although some individuals may thrive on competition, many beginners may get discouraged when they compare their fitness levels and abilities with others. Comparing yourself to others may bring about either disappointment or conceit. Remember, it is not so important where you are today as it is where you will be tomorrow.

Certainly, you do not need to implement every strategy outlined in this article. Start out with the techniques you believe will have the most impact in your adherence to your program: find activities you find fun and convenient, set goals, start out gradually, monitor your progress, perform a variety of exercises and activities, use diversions, and utilize social support.

Source: exrx.net

The Importance of Frequent Meals.

Any person who is involved in any kind of fitness regime, knows that eating small meals frequently throughout the day, is better than having a few large meals. There are numerous benefits to doing the same. Increased meal frequency appears to have a positive effect on various blood markers of health, particularly LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, and insulin. It also appears to help decrease hunger and improve appetite control.

However, due to varied lifestyles, it may not always be possible to have small meals throughout the day. The logistical requirement of carrying around your meals with you throughout the day, the availability of a microwave to heat them before consumption, and adequate time and place to actually have the food, puts a lot of people off. Nevertheless, if you are someone who has decided to go ahead and adopt such a meal plan, here are a few pointers to get you started.

  • Eat a snack during the time you are without food the longest during your waking hours
  • Eat small meals every 2.5 or 4 hours throughout the day
  • Plan 3 meals and 2 or 3 snacks distributed throughout the day, every 2.5 to 4 hours
  • If eating less than 3 meals, eat an additional meal
  • Introduce breakfast by drinking milk, fruit or vegetable juice
  • Add an additional food to breakfast
  • Eat cereal for bedtime snack instead of a high fat snack food
  • Prepare extra for meals so leftovers are on hand
  • Plan time for preparing a nutritious lunch or snack for hard to get away times
  • Slightly decrease portion sizes of your largest meals

A little bit of planning too, in this regard, would go a long way.

  • Write weekly menu with accompanying shopping list
  • Keep shopping list (with pen or pencil) conveniently located in kitchen
  • Prepare foods the evening before and refrigerate for the next day

In order to make this change to your lifestyle more motivating and to keep yourself committed to it, you may try doing a few more things. Pick one goal each week that you feel confident you can modify in your diet for years to come. Every week, record date of commitment by goal. Share your goal with those close to you and put a note of your goal on your refrigerator so you are more likely to succeed.

Good Luck!

Lactic Acid

As our bodies perform strenuous exercise, we begin to breathe faster as we attempt to shuttle more oxygen to our working muscles. The body prefers to generate most of its energy using aerobic methods, meaning with oxygen. Some circumstances, however, such as lifting heavy weights, require energy production faster than our bodies can adequately deliver oxygen. In those cases, the working muscles generate energy anaerobically. This energy comes from glucose through a process called glycolysis, in which glucose is broken down or metabolized into a substance called pyruvate through a series of steps.

When the body has plenty of oxygen, pyruvate is shuttled to an aerobic pathway to be further broken down for more energy. But when oxygen is limited, the body temporarily converts pyruvate into a substance called lactate, which allows glucose breakdown, and thus energy production, to continue. The working muscle cells can continue this type of anaerobic energy production at high rates for one to three minutes, during which time lactate can accumulate to high levels.

Contrary to popular opinion, lactate or, as it is often called, lactic acid buildup is not responsible for the muscle soreness felt in the days following strenuous exercise. Rather, the production of lactate and other metabolites during extreme exertion results in the burning sensation often felt in active muscles, though which exact metabolites are involved remains unclear. This often painful sensation also gets us to stop overworking the body, thus forcing a recovery period in which the body clears the lactate and other metabolites.

Methods to reduce Lactic Acid:

1) Stay hydrated: Lactic acid is water soluble, so the more hydrated you are, the less likely you are to feel a burn while you workout and cause lactic acid build up.

2) Breathe deeply: The cause of the burning sensation you feel in your muscles while exercising is twofold: it is partly due to the build up of lactic acid, but it is also due to a lack of oxygen.

3) Work out frequently: The more physically fit you are, the less glucose your body will need to burn and there will be less acid build up.

4) Be cautious when lifting weights: Weight lifting is an activity that tends to promote lactic acid build up because it requires more oxygen than our bodies can deliver.

5) Decrease the intensity: Decrease the intensity of your workout if you start to feel a burn. The burning sensation you feel during intense exercise is the body’s defense mechanism trying to prevent overexertion.

6) Stretch after your workout: Since lactic acid disperses 30 minutes to an hour after your workout, stretching helps to release lactic acid, alleviating any burning sensations or muscle cramps you might be experiencing.

7) Stay active: Rest after your workout, but lead an active life. Muscles need activity as well as oxygen and water to stay healthy. If you feel a burn in your muscles occasionally, there is no cause for alarm; lactic acid in small amounts is not damaging to your body and may even have some beneficial effects on your metabolism.

8) Increase your magnesium intake: The mineral magnesium is essential for proper energy production within the body. Healthy magnesium levels will help the body to deliver energy to the muscles while exercising, thus limiting the build up of lactic acid. Therefore, you should make an effort to increase your daily magnesium intake, preferably through your diet.

9) Eat foods rich in fatty acids: A healthy intake of foods rich in fatty acids helps the body to break down glucose, a process which is essential for normal energy production. This can help to limit the body’s need for lactic acid during a tough workout and keep you going for longer.

10) Eat foods containing B vitamins: B vitamins are useful in transporting glucose around the body, which helps to fuel the muscles during a workout, thus reducing the need for lactic acid.